7 Signs Your Software System Is Outdated (And What to Do Next)

Investing in software system upgrade is often a complex and time-consuming process. However, the cost of failing to modernize can be more painful. It could lead to losing out completely to competitors and exiting the market. Business today moves faster than any time in history. As such, companies seeking an edge must invest in streamlining […]

How to Tell if Your Existing System Needs an Upgrade or Replaced Altogether

Systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are at the heart of business operations such as logistics, purchasing, sales, and marketing. They enable businesses to collect data for intelligent decision-making. However, like all software, a system can be outgrown either due to business scaling or gaps emerging in its functionality. When this happens, businesses must […]

Why Process Automation Is So Important to Scaling Your Business

Business growth is quite different from business scaling. Growth refers to simply increasing the number of customers. Without proper efficiency, revenues resulting from business growth can easily be consumed corresponding incremental costs. Business scaling refers to positing or enabling the business to handle many more customers without significant increases in costs. Process automation is a […]

5 Ways Big Data & Big Analytics Can Bring Big Results

Big data and big analytics are common buzzwords in multiple fields including sports, governance, banking, investments and more. For more than 7 decades now, companies have known that data can be a source of great insight and competitive advantage. During the early years of using computers, businesses would look at numbers in spreadsheets manually and […]

Understanding How Service Oriented Architecture Improves Your Systems

Organizations seeking agility in their IT systems implement a service-oriented architecture. Compared to a few decades ago, systems have become more complex, and scalability is a big issue when implementing new IT infrastructure. The speed of development of release also needs to be faster than ever before. All these are reasons why service-oriented architecture has […]

Turning Data Analytics Into A Competitive Advantage

Just how powerful is data analytics? Do we overestimate the ability of data analytics to provide a competitive advantage to businesses? Businesses built on data have been around for a while. Companies such as automakers and consumer goods manufacturers collect vast amounts of data on sales trends. Most of that data however is rarely about […]