An Evolution of Process Automation: What Processes You Can Streamline Now

Businesses today are taking advantage of emerging enterprise solutions to take care of repetitive tasks while improving cost efficiency. Almost every organization today is using at least one example of business process automation. In fact, the use of artificial intelligence solutions stands at 40% of all organizations. History of Process Automation Humans have always been […]

Six Signs You’re Ready to Partner with a Virtual CIO

A Virtual Chief Information Officer (virtual CIO) is not supposed to replace your existing IT staff. Instead, they are an experienced specialist meant to provide leadership and insight in your IT department. Companies today can engage the services of firms that specialize in fractional or shared CIO services and are therefore in touch with key […]

Get Your Head (And Your Data) in the Clouds: Why Cloud Solutions Continue to Be the Best Solutions

Cloud-based solutions is a broad term to refer to computing services accessed through the internet.  Individuals and businesses alike get to use infrastructure belonging to a cloud provider instead of owning such infrastructure locally. Cloud computing has evolved rapidly from simply being a storage solution to a way of providing computing-power, network-services, and applications to […]

The Science Behind Business: What Data Science & Analytics Can Prove

Managers often struggle to visualize the relationship between data science, analytics, and their business’s bottom line. However, data scientists will argue that there limitless ways to leverage analytics in business. The US spends the equivalent of 18% of its GDP on healthcare. If the US can find a way to increase efficiency and save 1% of […]