Ensuring Compliance in a DevOps Model: 4 Things to Consider

Just like in other industries, software developers face compliance requirements that they must adhere to. Organizations today need to prove their security stature to customers, business partners, shareholders, government agencies, and other relevant stakeholders. Compliance regulations can be part of internal policy, industry best practices, or actual statutes. In the past compliance requirements were put […]

Technical Debt: What It Means for Your Software Development Projects

Technical debt (TD) is the cost of additional work that arises because of prioritizing the speed of delivery of a piece of functionality in a system or project over accuracy. In many cases, shipping speedily results in the functionality requiring to be refactored later. Tackling technical debt in an organization’s system architecture is important because problems […]

Test-driven Development: Avoiding Implementation Mistakes

Test driven development is a fairly recent approach to software development that’s being adopted to reduce the cost of reworking code. TTD involves putting testing at the forefront of any software development project. Software developers determine what code should do and develop tests to ensure the same. Therefore, before any code is written, there are […]

DevOps. What is it?

In the traditional software development model, the development team and operations teams worked as separate departments. The development team would design projects, write the code, and forward it to the operations team. The operations team would test and implement the code and later send feedback to the development team. Often, this resulted in delays in […]

Investing in the Right DevOps for Your Business

DevOps today can be explained as an approach to software delivery in an organization that improves the quality of applications while reducing the costs and time-to-market. DevOps brings together IT operations and software development, which in the past, were fragmented departments. By working together, they can deliver improvements continuously with short iterations. DevOps also involves […]

How Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA) & Extract Transform Load (ETL) Can Improve Integrations

What is SOA? A service-oriented architecture (SOA) refers to the interaction of software components as reusable elements through a service interface. A service-oriented architecture enables the quick integration of services into an application. SOA has origins in software development, but the concept is applicable in organizational structures and small businesses too. For instance, when building […]

8 Myths About DevOps Development Strategies, Debunked

According to Amazon Web Services, DevOpp is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools employed by an organization to significantly improve the ability to deliver applications and services quickly. Such organizations can serve customers better. In DevOps model, the development and operations teams work together throughout the lifecycle of an application. The cooperation starts […]

7 Software Deployment Challenges (And How to Address Them)

Software deployment involves the distribution of software across machines used by intended end-users. Developers conduct tests during and after the build process. The expectation is always that the software will perform as intended. However, this does not always happen. A myriad of environment and manageability issues could crop up requiring re-deployment, hardware upgrade, or other […]

5 Technologies Transcendent Software Uses to Help Businesses Grow

Digital transformation is a vital cog for any business aiming at growth, whether in the short term or long term. Technology helps to automate processes, handle big amounts of data, manage staff, and even aid in important managerial decisions. Transcendent Software has been providing IT solutions to help businesses operate in the most efficient ways […]

5 Benefits of Improving the User Experience with Customized Software

Customers today are used to applications that are intuitive and easy to use. Something which is difficult to use will most likely put them off. Business owners are more inclined to look at the functionality of applications. However, there are many reasons that make the case for prioritizing user experiences. Putting thought into user experience […]