8 Myths About DevOps Development Strategies, Debunked

According to Amazon Web Services, DevOpp is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools employed by an organization to significantly improve the ability to deliver applications and services quickly. Such organizations can serve customers better.

In DevOps model, the development and operations teams work together throughout the lifecycle of an application. The cooperation starts from development, testing, deployment, and operation. In some models, quality assurance and security teams are integrated with the development and operations teams (DevSecOps). Team members get to develop a wide range of skills as opposed to being limited to one function. The use of automation helps to speed up the otherwise manual and slow processes. Engineers with the right technology stack and tools can quickly and independently accomplish tasks that normally require a team.

As the term ‘DevOps’ continues to become more popular, there are misconceptions about how DevOps development strategies work. Here are X myths about DevOps development strategies debunked.

1. That Tools Alone Make DevOps

As indicated, DevOps is a combination of philosophies and practices backed by tools. Having tools alone does not equate your development strategies to DevOps. There has to be a methodical approach to integrating your development team with the operations team so that they manage the lifecycle of your applications together. There has to be a feedback loop to help make quick and continuous improvements of applications even as they are in use.

Some common tools used in DevOps include Librato, Chef, and VictorOps for incident management. These tools improve workflow for teams. However, they alone are not what makes DevOps models. It’s more about collaboration between all the people who form part of the lifecycle of an application.

2. Continuous Delivery is for SaaS Companies

Continuous delivery is an approach in software engineering where development teams produce software in short cycles. The goal is to build, test, and release new versions of a software quickly. It’s related to DevOps but DevOps has a wider scope (including non-technical elements of teams such as culture). Companies that offer their services over the web have embraced continuous delivery of applications. They are quick to fix bugs and release new features. This might be the case due to competition and ability of online users to share feedback. However, continuous delivery should be adopted by all modern companies. Shortening development and delivery cycles is important to keeping customers interested and excited about the product.

3. DevOps is for Big Companies Only

 Availability bias makes it seem as though DevOps works only for big companies. Companies such as Facebook and Twitter are only examples of what DevOps models can help achieve. However, the philosophy and principles can be replicated in companies of all sizes. Companies can commit to continually improve their applications. They can commit to implementing communication and collaboration channels between the development and operations teams. This will enable continuous delivery of software.

One secret to successful DevOps models is the support from C-suite-level staff. If two teams were working separately, it will take the initiative of senior staff to explain the need for a collaborative approach to doing things. The senior staff should take charge of restructuring teams, bringing software engineers with the right technology stack, and championing the new way of doing things.

4. DevOps is Over Complex and Disruptive to Operations

Companies might be unwilling to commit to a DevOps model of operation because of the fear that it will complicate operations. It needs there to be a firm commitment to the course. When a new feature is released, it should not be reversed. Engineering new fixes should solve bug problems when detected instead of rolling back. This is not overly complex. However, the organizational workflow has to be very clear, and responsibilities assigned so that there aren’t grey areas. Communication channels should also exist clearly.

New features should be tested properly, and their launch should not result in disruption in existing services for customers. When implemented correctly, customers appreciate the new features without noticing a drop in the quality of their user experience.

5. That DevOps is about Conferences

Indeed, a lot of members of DevOps teams attend numerous conferences locally and internationally. But this happens because the field is very young, and a lot of knowledge building and sharing is taking place. It’s best to listen to diverse thoughts and ideas. This helps to drive fast and continuous improvement in a company’s development strategies.

A lot of new tools and technologies are coming up in the space. These gatherings help to keep in touch and best practices. Adopting a technology one year late might mean missing out on a watershed moment in an industry. These conferences are necessary, but they are not the cornerstone of a DevOps development strategy.

6. It Eliminates IT Operations

There is a misconception that DevOps tools can lead to the elimination of in-house IT Operations tools. However, DevOps models can only lead to changes in IT operations and not elimination. It’s only that the operations teams will work more closely to test new features and launch them quickly. Their scope might be wider than simply monitoring and managing the application.

7. Some Facts About DevOps Development Strategies

There are some truths about DevOps that we should appreciate. First, not all types of applications require a DevOps model to remain successful in this decade. First, applications that are not changing rapidly do not require continuous dialogue between the development and operations teams. There are many off-the-shelf software that fall into this category. Second, to be part of a DevOps team, you need to know how to code. Although there are automation tools to assist in such things as testing and integration, software development skills are still essential for the job.

8. Implementing a DevOps Model Benefits Your Company

The purpose of a DevOps model for any company is to be able to release new versions of an application quickly and continuously. This has a significant impact on customer satisfaction because their experience increases with each version. DevOps goes beyond just releasing new versions. It’s a combination of philosophy, practices, and tools that make it possible for the development and operations teams to work together.

If your company needs assistance and training in DevOps, get in touch with Transcendent Software. We will help your team understand the importance of evolving products faster. We will also help pick and integrate available tools so that your team utilizes their time better.