Why Employees Aren’t Using Your Custom Desktop Application

Using off-the-shelf business can become ineffective as your business grows. No matter what a vendor promises, not all features of their software will fit exactly what your business needs. Some adjustments often must be made to off-the-shelf solutions to get maximum return on investment. Custom applications are thought of as expensive. However, when you consider […]

Understanding How Deep Learning Transforms Analytics

Deep learning is a type of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It emulates the way humans gain knowledge from observing a task or data repeatedly. Deep learning enables computers to recognize, classify, and make predictions. The evolution of artificial intelligence began with the idea that it was possible to make computers take on tasks that […]

Modernizing IT Systems More Affordably

Having an IT system that matches your current organizational needs is extremely important for the efficiency and agility of your operations. Technology keeps on improving, which gives businesses the chance to minimize costs, increase security, among other major benefits. However, often businesses tend to hold on to legacy systems. There are reasons for this occurrence […]

Reducing Business Expenses with Artificial Intelligence

Conversations around artificial intelligence always highlight the ability of AI to automate complex processes that would otherwise depend on human resources. By unlocking this possibility, AI continues to enable businesses to operate more efficiently. Through the next decade, AI will represent a key priority area for CIOs across the corporate world. Businesses have a chance […]

3 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? If you’ve picked up your phone today or gone on social media, you’ve used Artificial Intelligence without realizing it. Facebook uses AI to detect faces, advertising based on personal interest, and boost posts you are most interested in. Apple uses facial recognition to unlock certain iPhones, have the personal assistant […]

6 Components of The Best Custom Productivity Apps for Businesses

The need to improve efficiency and cut costs has led businesses to continually invest in new technology. Software applications meant to improve productivity are being utilized in almost all business organizations today. From the scheduling of meetings to the assignment of tasks to workers, these productivity apps are the very core of business workflow today. […]

An Evolution of Process Automation: What Processes You Can Streamline Now

Businesses today are taking advantage of emerging enterprise solutions to take care of repetitive tasks while improving cost efficiency. Almost every organization today is using at least one example of business process automation. In fact, the use of artificial intelligence solutions stands at 40% of all organizations. History of Process Automation Humans have always been […]

Six Signs You’re Ready to Partner with a Virtual CIO

A Virtual Chief Information Officer (virtual CIO) is not supposed to replace your existing IT staff. Instead, they are an experienced specialist meant to provide leadership and insight in your IT department. Companies today can engage the services of firms that specialize in fractional or shared CIO services and are therefore in touch with key […]